Sec. 10.3. Parking Rates
10.3.1. Required Motorized Vehicle and Bicycle Parking
A. Parking Rates
1. Rates for off-street motor vehicle All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. and bicycle parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. are provided for all uses listed below.
2. Uses not listed shall be reviewed by the Planning Director, or designee, for the appropriate parking rate classification, pursuant to Section 3.1, Interpretation of this Ordinance.
3. Buildings with multiple primary uses shall calculate parking based on the standard for each use in the building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable..
4. Parking Rate Table
B. Parking Rates
1. The amount of motor vehicle All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. parking shall be a percent of the amount indicated in paragraph 10.3.1A.4, Parking Rate Table. The maximum parking rates are as follows. For fractions, refer to paragraph 10.2.5, Calculation of Spaces.
Location |
Minimum4 |
Maximum |
Downtown Design (DD) District |
None |
100% |
Suburban and Rural Tiers |
None |
175% |
Urban Tier1 |
All Districts except Commercial Infill (CI) |
None |
175% |
Commercial Infill (CI) District |
None |
100% |
Compact Neighborhood Tier 1,2,3 |
All Districts except Compact Suburban Design (CSD) Districts |
None |
100% |
Compact Suburban Design District – Core (CSD-C) |
None |
50% |
Compact Suburban Design District – Support 1 (CSD-S1) |
None |
100% |
Compact Suburban Design District – Support 2 (CSD-S2) |
None |
100% |
1 For all households living within the Compact Neighborhood Tier, and affordable housing dwelling units A dwelling unit committed for a minimum 30-year term as affordable, through covenants, restrictions, or officially adopted agreements, to households with incomes as follows. Income eligibility, affordable rent levels and affordable for sale prices, as well as monitoring and compliance requirements for affordable housing dwelling units, will adhere to the adopted rules and procedures of the City of Durham’s Community Development Department. in the Urban Tier, see paragraph 10.3.1B.7. 2 For projects qualifying for the affordable housing bonus, see paragraph 10.3.1B.11. 3 For the North RTP and Triangle Metro Center Compact Neighborhood Tiers, see paragraph 10.3.1B.5. 4 For methods to reduce minimum parking requirements, see paragraphs 10.3.1B.9 and 10. |
Example: The parking schedule is a baseline calculator for the amount of motor vehicle All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. parking for a particular use or uses, subject to the location minimum and maximum requirements of the tier or specific zoning district. For example, if a use, per the parking table, generates a rate of 100 spaces, the amount of parking permitted is as follows:
DD: Minimum – None; maximum – 100 spaces
Suburban and Rural: Minimum – None; Maximum – 175 spaces
Compact Neighborhood (All districts except CSD): Minimum – None; Maximum – 100 spaces
Compact Neighborhood – CSD Districts:
Core: Minimum-None; Maximum – 50 spaces
Support 1: Minimum – None; Maximum – 100 spaces
Support 2: Minimum – None; Maximum – 100 spaces
Urban (except CI): Minimum – None; maximum – 175 spaces
CI District: Minimum – None; maximum – 100 spaces
2. Bicycle parking rates for the SRP-C District (County Only), Compact Neighborhood and Downtown Tiers shall be pursuant to paragraph 10.3.3, Bicycle Parking in the SRP-C District (County Only), Downtown and Compact Neighborhood Tiers.
3. The amount of required parking for colleges or universities within the UC or UC-2 districts shall be determined pursuant to paragraph 6.11.4I, Parking.
4. Unless a use is a college or university, passenger terminal, within the SRP-C District (County Only), or located in the Downtown or Compact Neighborhood Tiers, the maximum number of required bicycle parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. shall be 100.
5. For the North RTP and Triangle Metro Center Compact Neighborhood Tiers: Uses located in these areas approved prior to January 1, 2006, can utilize the maximum parking rates established for the Suburban Tier until such time as regional mass transit is available in the applicable tier area.
6. In the following tiers, the motor vehicle All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. parking rates for household living dwelling units A single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. shall be as follows. Where parking is provided for developments Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. with affordable housing dwelling units A dwelling unit committed for a minimum 30-year term as affordable, through covenants, restrictions, or officially adopted agreements, to households with incomes as follows. Income eligibility, affordable rent levels and affordable for sale prices, as well as monitoring and compliance requirements for affordable housing dwelling units, will adhere to the adopted rules and procedures of the City of Durham’s Community Development Department., parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. shall not be reserved The withholding by a private entity of specific real estate from development pending acquisition by a public agency., designated, or otherwise set aside for market-rate versus affordable units.
Minimum |
Maximum |
Compact Neighborhood Tier (except CSD Districts): |
Household Living, except as Listed Below |
None |
2 spaces/unit |
None |
2 spaces/unit |
Compact Suburban Design Districts: |
CSD-C and CSD-S1 |
None |
1.5 spaces/unit |
CSD-S2 |
None |
2 spaces/unit |
None |
See sub-district maximum |
Urban and Suburban Tiers: |
None |
2 spaces/unit |
7. Methods to Exceed Maximum Parking
The maximum amount of motor vehicle All motorized vehicles as defined by the State of North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and motorcycles. This definition shall not include “Heavy Equipment” as defined elsewhere. parking can be exceeded by any of the following methods:
a. The additional parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. and drive aisles shall be pervious paving pursuant to the following:
(1) Pervious paving shall be considered surface improvements such as interlocking concrete paving blocks, brick pavers, grid pavers, or other similar improvements which permit the infiltration of water through the improved surface.
(2) Sub-surface preparation to accommodate the water infiltration allowed through the surface material shall be required.
(3) Gravel shall not be considered a pervious paving surface.
b. The additional parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. shall be provided as structured parking subject to the following requirements:
(1) The footprint of proposed structured parking cannot exceed 75% of the footprint of a surface parking lot An area of land where vehicles are kept on a daily, overnight, or temporary basis; not to include the storage of wrecked or abandoned vehicles, vehicle parts, or the repair of vehicles. designed to accommodate 100% parking; and
(2) The maximum height shall be the height permitted within the zoning district.
c. The additional parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. are underground where parking areas are not visible from the right-of-way A strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, prescription or condemnation and intended to be occupied by a street, trail, rail corridor, or public utility. or adjacent Property abutting directly on the boundary of, touching, or sharing a common point. properties.
d. For all sites except in Design Districts: a sealed alternative parking rate analysis, prepared by an engineer with expertise in transportation, that utilizes the following criteria to substantiate the need for additional parking. The City Transportation Director or designee, or NCDOT, as applicable, shall be the approving authority for the analysis.
(1) Data or studies of similar sites and uses;
(2) Comparisons to minimum standards in national published data sources such as Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Urban Land Institute (ULI), National Parking Association (NPA), American Planning Association (APA), or other professionally recognized data sources; and
(3) Comparisons to minimum requirements of similar municipalities.
e. Design Districts
(1) No more than the maximum allowed parking pursuant to paragraph 10.3.1A.4 shall be allowed, unless provided within structured parking and at least two of the three following requirements are met:
(a) At least 50% of the parking structure A walled or roofed constructed object that is principally above ground; vertical projections meeting the definition of antenna-supporting or wireless support structures; or, when used in reference to Sec. 8.4, Floodplain and Flood Damage Protection Standards, a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground. Included in this definition are extensions or additions which are covered by a roof supported by walls or columns, such as but not limited to porte cocheres, carports, covered or screened porches, and breezeways. roof area is a green roof A vegetated roof treatment that has a layer of soil and a drainage system and is planted with vegetation.;
(b) A minimum of 15% of the total parking provided shall be made permanently publicly accessible; and
(c) All street frontage The boundary of a property adjacent to one side of a street. portions of the parking structure A walled or roofed constructed object that is principally above ground; vertical projections meeting the definition of antenna-supporting or wireless support structures; or, when used in reference to Sec. 8.4, Floodplain and Flood Damage Protection Standards, a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground. Included in this definition are extensions or additions which are covered by a roof supported by walls or columns, such as but not limited to porte cocheres, carports, covered or screened porches, and breezeways. shall be constructed to allow conversion to interior usable space.
(2) Public parking Parking spaces or areas controlled by, or under contract with, a governmental entity to allow for general public use of the parking spaces and not dedicated to a specific user. provided as a provision for additional height in paragraph 16.3.4, Height, can be provided in excess of the maximum parking provided it meets 1a and 1c above.
10.3.2. Handicapped Accessible Parking
A. Handicapped accessible parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. shall be provided in the amount required by the North Carolina State Building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. Code, as amended.
B. Where standard parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. are provided on site, handicapped accessible spaces shall be provided on site. Otherwise, they shall be located according to the North Carolina State Building As defined in the North Carolina Building Code, as amended, or the North Carolina Residential Code for One and Two-Family Dwellings, as amended, as applicable. Code, as amended.
10.3.3. Bicycle Parking in the SRP-C District (County Only), Downtown and Compact Neighborhood Tiers
A. Uses within the SRP-C District (County Only), Downtown and Compact Neighborhood Tiers shall provide bicycle parking based on the category and square footage of each use, as applicable.
B. Minimum Parking Requirements
The minimum amount of bicycle parking shall be as follows:
1. Minimum Total Required
This amount indicates the gross minimum number of bicycle parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. required.
2. Short-term parking
a. This amount, if required, shall be the minimum amount of the minimum total required parking that shall be dedicated The transfer without payment of ownership or other interest in real property from a private entity to a public agency. to short-term parking.
b. Short-term parking shall be publicly accessible parking located outdoors at primary entrances of buildings or within parking structures.
3. Long-term parking
a. This amount, if required, shall be the minimum amount of the minimum total required parking that shall be dedicated The transfer without payment of ownership or other interest in real property from a private entity to a public agency. to long-term parking.
b. Long-term parking is not required to be publicly accessible or located outdoors.
c. Long-term parking shall not be placed within individual dwelling units A single unit providing complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation..
d. If placed outdoors, the parking facility shall be lit in accordance with storage areas (security lighting) pursuant to paragraph 7.4.3, Standards; covered to provide protection from rain and snow; and, if provided for residential uses, be located within a secured enclosure.
4. Remaining Required Parking
Remaining required parking not required to be short- or long-term parking can be provided as either type of parking at the discretion of the applicant.
Example: The minimum total required bicycle parking spaces A designated off-street area designed to accommodate the parking of one vehicle. for a 100-dwelling unit development Pursuant to NCGS 160D-102, any of the following: a. The construction, erection, alteration, enlargement, renovation, substantial repair, movement to another site, or demolition of any structure. b. The excavation, grading, filling, clearing, or alteration of land. c. The subdivision of land as defined in G.S. 160D-802. d. The initiation or substantial change in the use of land or the intensity of use of land. is 50 spaces. Of the 50 spaces:
(1) Six short-term spaces are required (because 5% of 50 is less than six); and
(2) Thirty-eight long-term spaces are required (75% of 50 is 37.5 spaces, which requires rounding up to 38).
(3) The remaining spaces can be short- or long-term parking.
5. Small Projects
Projects that do not generate enough required bicycle parking to satisfy short and/or long term parking minimum requirements, as applicable, shall provide the minimum overall requirement as either type at the discretion of the applicant.